Losing weight has been described as a battle; and for many, that is a very precise description of their quest for a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss does not come easily for most of us. This is likely due to the way in which we run through life, grabbing sustenance from whatever happens to be quick and somewhat tasty.
Continuing on in such habits will only result in further health issues related to weight. Because weight loss is such a high priority for so many, diet plans such as Medifast have become increasingly popular over the years. The Medifast plan itself has received over 15,000 recommendations from medical professionals since its inception in the early 80's.
diet programs, easy weight loss, weight loss meal plan,
Medifast was developed by a physician who saw the need to provide quick and simple meals to individuals seeking a healthier menu. Each meal that comes from Medifast is well balanced and full of essential nutrients, allowing the body to begin operating at optimal levels. The diet plan consists of three stages: the 5 in One Stage, the Transition Stage, and finally the Maintenance Stage.
Setting up three stages helps dieters to experience a change in lifestyle over time. Medifast, while a quick weight loss plan, is healthy and lasting. It doesn't stop as soon as you have dropped that last 20 lbs. Were that the case, then your Medifast diet would be no different than any other diet you have tried in the past. Weight loss needs to be lasting in order for you to experience the best health you can.
In the 5 in One Stage, dieters consume lower calories each day, consisting of 5 pre-made Medifast meals and one balanced meal consisting of protein and vegetables. This meal is known as the Lean and Green meal. Consuming the pre-made meals is ideal for any dieter, because there is no guess work. Part of the reason why diets fail is because of the preparation involved. Measuring and calorie counting often takes much more time than one has! Because the Medifast 5 in One Stage is all planned out, the only thing you as the dieter have to do is FOLLOW THE PLAN. This means your primary focus is to develop self discipline.
The Medifast 5 in One Stage lasts only a few weeks. During this time, you will utilize the tools given to you to determine which foods are healthy to eat, as well as palatable enough to develop a lifelong diet from. Medifast is based on low fat, low sugar foods with lean meats. Portion control is also something that dieters learn with Medifast. Once you get through the initial weeks on your Medifast diet, you will have a good grasp of what foods you need to begin incorporating into your daily meal plan in the next phase - the Transition Stage.
In the Transition Stage of the Medifast diet plan, dieters begin to incorporate more regular food back into the daily diet. If you have done your job well in the Medifast 5 in One Stage and found foods that you like, the Transition Stage can be exciting. This is where you can begin to experiment with recipes and find foods that appeal to your specific tastes. In the Transition Stage, daily caloric intake typically increases slightly.
It is during the Transition Stage where it may be best to ramp up your workouts. This should always be done after consulting your doctor. If, during the Medifast 5 in One Stage, your regimen consisted of walking 3 days a week, now you may consider walking 5 days a week, or throwing in some low impact weight training one or two days a week. Many people who were not active before Medifast just begin their exercise routine during the Transition Stage. Most find walking to be the easiest exercise to fit into their day. Walking a mile burns approximately 100 calories. Because the Medifast diet is low calorie, walking is an excellent start to assist with weight loss, especially if you are sticking to the diet plan with discipline.
During the Medifast Transition Stage, you will add more lean proteins and vegetables to your daily meal plan. It is important to learn the best foods to add to your diet, in order to maintain a good level of weight loss. Carrots, corn, potatoes, peas, and Brussels sprouts should be avoided while in the weight loss phase of your Medifast Plan. These foods can be added to your diet once you transition to Maintenance. However, because of where they land on the glycemic index, they should be consumed sparingly even once you have reached your weight loss goals.
Some of the vegetables you can safely add to your Medifast diet in the Transition phase are:
o Greens (mustard, collard, turnip)Mushrooms
o Spinach
o Turnip
o Alfalfa Sprouts
o Cabbage
o Cucumber
o Kale
o Onions / Peppers
o Summer Squash
o Zucchini
o Tomato
You began with Medifast because you wanted to avoid the typical pitfalls experienced with other weight loss programs; and yet the Transition Stage can throw you directly into challenges in the way of temptations. With support and commitment to your goal of keeping weight off, you can face these temptations with confidence. Medifast offers options for snacks and recipes for healthy entrees that will fill you up and fulfill cravings.
The last phase of the Medifast diet is the Maintenance Stage, in which you will sustain your weight loss results by making healthy food choices and living an active lifestyle. The ultimate goal of the Maintenance stage of the Medifast plan is to help you remain at your own healthy weight for the rest of your life. At this point in the game, you should have a good handle on the portions of food that you are eating. Additionally, you will have set up a workable routine when it comes to exercise you can maintain for the long haul. While Medifast is THE diet to help individuals lose the weight they want quickly, it certainly is not a quick fix. Weight loss and maintenance is a lifelong process. Stay committed and the goal is attainable.
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