Your Healthy Weight Loss Program.
Many times we want to lose weight and we have a problem choosing a program that works for us. Losing weight is important to me but my health is more important. In a series of quick tips I will introduce ideas to help us in our quest to lose weight and keep it off in a safe, effective and healthy way. These quick tips will be short healthy eating, fitness, nutritional vitamin supplements or general health and wellness tidbits to help meet your goals.
Quick Tip #1 - Have a Ball.
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This idea came from Scott Tousignant and is posted on his blog under his 30 day home office challenge. Scott is one of the people I follow because I like his Fat Loss Quickie Program. The tip today is to get a stability ball (fitness ball). I have been a big fan of stability balls for years and it is a great way to strengthen your mid section and work off a few pounds there. The unique tip I got from Scott is to use the ball as a chair at your home office desk. For me, I spend a lot of time at my home office desk and this will help me greatly.
The Stability Ball.
The Stability Ball helps my posture, strengthens my core, and adds a little excitement to my day as I bounce and swivel around while I work or talk to customers. Try moving from side to side or back and forward while working and see that this extra activity doesn't engage and help build up your abdominal muscles, lower back muscles and oblique muscles. This is your core where the excess fat that we want to lose is often stored.
You can get your stability ball at any store with a small fitness equipment section. They run about $15 to $20 and it well be money well spent to help you lose weight and keep it off.
Resistance Training.
As a quick tip bonus I keep a couple of dumbbells near my desk. Once or twice a day I will take 5 to 10 minutes to do a few resistance exercises with the dumbbells. To note as part of your healthy weight loss program resistance exercise is the most important way build muscle to burn fat and keep it off. So beyond our daily exercise routine we need to develop little habits that will help us increase our resistance training and build muscle to burn fat, lose weight and improve our overall health.
You can use your stability ball any way you use a chair throughout your home. Watch television, read a book, or whatever you use a chair for. Not only do I use my stability ball as a chair to help strengthen my core muscles, I also use it to exercise with. There are many abdominal exercises, like crunches, sit ups and back stretches that I use my stability ball for. But I also use it as a bench for lifting weights. Many exercises you can use a bench or a chair for, use the stability ball to help you engage your mid section and build those muscles in your mid section, burn that fat around your waist and help you lose weight all while you are doing the other exercises. The stability ball is an essential part of your healthy weight loss program that will help you meet your goals.
Be Blessed. Be a Blessing.
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